Remember this wrapped gift? It's been sitting my dining room table for a couple of days now, and I've been shaking it, sniffing it, and trying to peek around the tape. It's hard to wait, isn't it?

I got to open it this morning. Ta dah! It's a
TomTom Portable GPS Vehicle Navigator!!!! Whooooohoooo!!!!! I have been
dropping hints about begging my husband to buy me one of these for months now. And just when I had given up all hope of getting one before my birthday (in June), here it is. Husband can be a total retard most other days of the year, but when it comes to gifts, he rules.

Now I can drive to San Francisco free from panic over getting lost and will never again have to do anything as dumb as follow the fog line to find the Sunset district (it actually worked). I will select a little voice (I'll want a female once since heaven knows I don't any dude telling me where to go), and it will talk to me saying, for example "OK, Cindy. Turn right here. Now go straight. Excellent job." Well, maybe not just like that, but it does have a feature that increases the volume of the voice as the speed increases (assuming, I suppose, that the engine sound increases with speed). I wonder if it will say "Slow the fuck down!!!"? Probably not because my TomTom and I are going to be good friends and go sorts of exciting places together.
But as excellent as that was, Valentine's Day is really all about Her.
She received cards from Husband and me,

a spatula with hearts on it because she is my little chef,

and a lovely stuffed dragon from her dad.

She also had a lovely card she made for me.

It opens like a book.

Tonight Husband is taking out both of his girls to our favorite tacqueria, which is sure to be all decked out for the occasion.
Hope your day is happy as well!
Awesome! that is a fun present :)
Lovely! So glad to hear you're having a happy day. Thanks for sharing...
Oh, I'm so jealous! Damn, I wish I hadn't told The Husband no gifts - I want a Tom-Tom!
That is a cool present - have fun with it!!
What a sweet card your daughter made for you! I got that very TomTom for Christmas and I LOVE it!! We set it to "Tim" the British guy and he rules - he'll tell you to "keep left - then, stay on the motorway" in a fabulous way. We are all loving having Tim along for the ride!
I love seeing all the cute things you say about your daughter and that she does - it makes me so happy that I am also (hopefully) on course for a life full of such fun with our child.
Jordan: If I like that voice, I'm going to call it my TimTim.
very cool present!!!
How lucky you are! A thoughtful husband and a precious daughter. Life is good!
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