Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Packed, wrapped, and ready

We've had a single day between our Tahoe ski trip and our trip down to my parents' for a delayed Christmas to do what I call unpack/repack. And I packed and wrapped the last of the presents to take with us. I gave myself a break from homemade wrapping paper and opted instead for giftwrap that one of our print vendors sent our production and design departments at work. Several tubes of this were addressed to people no longer there, so the mailroom guy brought them . . . to me. See what whiling hours away yacking in the mailroom does for you?

Three cheers to The Paper Cafe though: The presents I ordered from them arrived boxed so nicely all they needed was an address label. The gifts are all personalized, and they were thoughtful enough to mark the recipient on the bottom of each box. God knows I'd never get those bows retied as nicely. Thanks, Paper Cafe!!

We loaded up in our new Trader Joe's bags–not as good as the regular ones for groceries given that they have a round bottom but great for presents–and we were off.

Reports from behind the Orange Curtain coming up.

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