Wednesday, October 15, 2008

And the debate goes to . . .

. . . Joe the Plumber. Or so says George Will: "If the winner of this debate is the next President, the next President is Joe the Plumber." Would that be better or worse than Sixpack Joe? I'm not sure.
But I think he's right. If you came into the debate on the Obama side, that's where you left. Likewise if you came in a McCain supporter. I think this was a debate that solidified, not changed, opinions. These undecided voters . . . who are these people anyway?

We watched the debate as I cooked dinner and Sophie did her homework. She had many questions, among them was when George Will made the above comment in the post-debate commentary: "Mama, is that Joe Plumber??" No, honey, it's not.

But I'm sort of worried about waking up to this on the front page of the New York Times.


Jen Yu said...

thanks, hon. that's just the image i want on my mind when i'm about to go to bed ;) oy!

Jenn said...

Oh my, that's a sight! I couldn't stand McCain's constant blinking, smirking and eye rolling. He seemed desperate to me. As always, Obama remained cool as a cucumber.

The Cape House said...

Thanks for a funny (if a bit disturbing) good morning! I agree that no minds were changed. It's pretty late to still be undecided.

Angelina said...

I hope you'll pardon my saying so but I don't think I can respect a person who still doesn't know who they're going to vote for.

Carla said...

Yowza! Now that's an image seared into my mind. As for the election? I'm moving from customarily politically passionate to just hoping like heck this is over pretty soon.

Midnight Madras said...

Oh, God! Say no to crack!!!!!

You are so right about the debates. I have been trying to explain this to my students. The debates, though entertaining, mean NOTHING to us, the folks who are long decided and supportive of a candidate. Our candidate could get up there, have his head turn green and spin around on his neck and we'd still support them.

Joe The Plumber '12!!!!! :)

adozeneggs said...

go to the NY Times and look up the article about this "Joe the Plumber".
He's a big dope.
There are other articles online that allude he's not even registered to vote.
That has to be one of the most hideous cracks ever. Even has some lumpy cellulite, ick.