Monday, March 3, 2008

And a few oysters on Sunday

On Sunday we celebrated my girlfriend's birthday with what has become an annual outing. We hike up the Devil's Gulch trail in the Point Reyes area to a lovely waterfall. It's an easy hike of a little over a mile, so even the smallest kids in our group can handle it.

We then head over to the Hog Island Oyster Company on Tomales Bay for a picnic lunch featuring . . . oysters. Which I hate. They are gross. But Husband and others think they are wonderful. Raw, barbecued. With all sort of different stuff on them. 

Hog Island really let us down this year by RUNNING OUT OF OYSTERS. They charged us $8 a person to picnic on their tables (no service, no potable water, just a picnic table). We bought the few very small, very expensive oysters they had left and had to drive up the road to another oyster house to by the large ones everyone wanted. We're changing venues next year, although we'll stay on Tomales Bay since that's where the oysters are.


Libby said...

Cindy, methinks you spent Sunday in paradise. Minus the oysters, of course. ;)

Belle said...

Sounds so fun! I LOVE oysters. Raw, steamed, fried... I like them all. BTW, everytime I think of your husband saying "weak as a kitten", I crack up. :)

k e r r y said...

sounds like such a nice day - I love oysters :) $8 per person!? ouch.

Mo said...

Cindy, What a great day!

I didn't dig on oysters until I had them prepared correctly here in the NW. Now, I don't crave them or anything but dang, if they are prepared to my liking, bring 'em on!