Monday, April 14, 2008

Mother-daughter dresses:
Go ahead and tell me

Is that just too lame? I'm asking because ALL dresses at Hanna Andersson are on sale right now. And I know Sophie would love this dress (how lucky am I that my eight-year-old still loves a pretty dress??). But would it be too much?

How about if we never wore them at the same time or if we did we never left the house? We could totally scare Husband in these.

Tell me what you think.
  1. No, Cindy. You are a hopeless retard.
  2. OK, but only if no one ever sees you in them at the same time.
  3. Buy the dress for Sophie but not for you.
  4. What a brilliant idea. You and Sophie will look adorable. Be sure to have a picture taken.
  5. None of the above. Here's what I think: __________________


lisagh said...

One almost doesn't know how to comment on such a query. So one shall not.

k e r r y said...

I have to tell you I have had this thought myself... I would love to buy a matching dress with my daughter but have wondered like if that would be over the top so I can't wait to read what others think!

Jordan said...

I'm sure others would find it odd, but if you want to, go for it. I love Hanna dresses and I think if I had a girl I would do it. As it is, I buy my boys matching clothes from there sometimes. I know the mother/daughter thing is different, but sounds fun to me. I'm sure Sophie would love it sooo much and that's the fun of it.

Erin said...

I'd say if you love the dress for yourself buy it. If you love the dress for Sophie buy it. But never ever wear them out in public together. :-)

I do think that is a pretty dress (the adult version). I wish there was a closer Hanna store than Valley Fair so I could try some things on. Their shipping is on the high side, IMO.

MsMVNJ said...

Oooh, Cindy, dangerous waters. I think you're safe with 3, but be prepared for fashion overhead - the marking of calendars, allotting sufficient time so there is NO chance that you're seen in similar dress within the same week - I need a drink, it's too stressful to think about ;-)

KK said...

I say go for it as long as you don't wear them at the same time! Or wear them at the same time and just say you two are sisters and your mom forced you to both wear the same dress! :)

Kate said...

So cute! I would buy them and *want* to wear them at the same time, but always feel a little silly about it. I say - get them but don'w wear at the same time unless you are in some sort of mother-daughter fashion show or something.

Angelina said...

Wearing matching mom daughter dresses would be getting in on the 1930's style of dressing fun. Although generally I think moms made matching dresses for daughters because most of them were making their own clothes and would buy bolts of fabric and make things for the whole family out of the same cloth.

I say you should do it.

Unknown said...

I like the little dress but not the one for the big girl. And I would definitely not wear them together. Oh my God!

Anonymous said...

We're all about coordinating here, not matching... so I would go with just buying the one for Sophie... or if you get both, avoid wearing them at the same time. Good luck!

PS - Enjoyed your reflections on blogging in the most recent post. I feel exactly the same way. I had no idea when I started blogging that I would become so involved! I honestly just fell into it - I was looking for cocktail napkins, came across Preppy Napkin's blog and badda boom badda bing - blog addict.

Preppy Pink Crocodile said...

Hmm- that's a tough one. I love coordinating outfits. But I think you could totally get away with the matching if it was for either a special event/holiday or for a family picture/mother-daughter portrait.

Jen Yu said...

If you like the dress, get one. If she likes the dress, get one for her. As for wearing them on the same day, I dunno. I get mad when Jeremy wears the same "fill in dorky software package here" t-shirt as I do ;)

Belle said...

Wow. I picked D. and after reading everyone else's comments, I realized I'm a big dork. If I had a daughter, I'd dress us alike all the time. Hmmmm, maybe that's why I haven't been blessed with a little girl. I'd embarrass her to death.

Anonymous said...

It's not a good idea. I worked for April Cornell in merchandising and the mother/daughter look was a common occurence there. But very, very unflattering.

Red Flashlight said...

Oh, Figs. The answer is just "no."

Not because you're a retard (clearly you aren't), but because it's just plain wrong. My mother made matching clothes for my family in the 1970's to parade around Washington during the Nixon protests. A moment to be proud of if only we hadn't looked like a troupe of impoverished banjo-players out for a day trip in the big city.

Picture my Dad in a three-piece suit made from colorful flowered plaid to match the ladies.

Yee haw.

Maybe . . . just maybe . . . you could get away with never appearing in public together. But if so, my next question has to be this: why do you like that dress? It's because it matches Sophie's dress, n'est-ce pas? If so, see (a) above. You deserve to have your own clothes and so does she.

Greens and Pinks said...

I don't think it's wrong at all. Buy them both, it's an adorable dress for Sophie and a cute comfortable summer dress for you. As for wearing them on the same day? I don't think I would necessarily wear an identical dress on the same day as my daughters

BUT I will say this - I've worn a skirt embroidered with lobsters on the same day my daughter wore a sweater with a lobster on it!

Rachella said...

I vote for D. Yes it's dorky, but what's wrong with that? And I agree with Jordan -- Sophie would love it!

Nikki Knits Clothing Company LLC said...

I think it is an awesome idea! I built a whole company around it :).